Olive tree
The olive is mentioned in the Bible as a symbol of peace and good will, but also as a symbol of life and hope. For older people, a symbol of wisdom. Olive tree succeeds only in southern and warm areas, because on 10 degrees Celsius it fades. The first olive trees were planted more than 6000 years, and since then they have been highly valued in nutrition, medicine and cosmetics. The most prized is the fruit of the olive tree which is eaten raw or canned. But olive gained its popularity because of the oil that is found in its fruit. The fruits of the olive tree contain 35% oil, which is not only a spice but also a natural remedy.
Olive oil - a source of health and Boon
Olive oil is king among the oils, the real source of health, real medicine that offers myriad benefits for the body. Olive oil is the best choice for your salads and all your other dishes. Olive oil is rich in carotenoids and a large reserve of antioxidants. High quality, cold pressed olive oil contains vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the body. Olive oil is a real treasure trove of materials that are needed by the body, so rather than enumerate them will do our best to present what the health benefits of consuming olive oil. Olive oil strengthens immunity, protects the heart and blood vessels but acts against chronic degenerative diseases. Unlike some other grocery olive oil was studied and tested many times, and its benefits are recorded and validated in many scientific medical journals and portals . Olive oil is the protector of the stomach. There are strong anti-inflammatory properties. We can say that olive oil is a boon to almost all organs in our body.
Olive oil is a good protector of atherosclerosis and diabetes and almost all metabolic disorders. Olive oil is a great choice for people who suffer from enlarged trigleciridi and cholesterol, so it is recommended these people sunflower oil to completely replace with olive oil. In some studies that tested the ability of olive oil against cancer, proved that he has a high protective role especially when it comes to cancer of the colon and breast. It is recommended that all people who have a fondness for these diseases regularly used olive oil in the diet, or to replace the default. Scientists believe that olive oil is great in the regulation of blood sugar because proven meal which has the added olive oil have less power to rapidly increase blood sugar. Olive oil has the effect of lowering blood pressure. Scientists say that a small amount of olive oil impact in reducing blood pressure. Olive oil is good for people with asthma, peptic ulcer and any inflammatory diseases .